I am almost at a loss for words concerning this whole thing. Almost.
The apology that Archie posted above says more about his character than anything I or anyone else could say. I've known Archie for over 10 years and the man doesn't have a bigoted bone in his body. That is unless you count his thoughts on slabbing.
Does it make a person a bigot if you know exactly what the term "guinea tee" referred to? Or does it make you a red-neck spousal abuser if you know what the term "wife beater shirt" means? I've never worn the shirt in question, never been to New York or Jersey, never beaten my wife, but I do KNOW what both phrases mean. So what does make me? A big dumb Texan, with Irish, Italian and German blood running through his veins who is not easily offended. Throw in the jokes about wearing glasses, going bald and being "slightly over my optimum playing weight" (didn' want to offend my portly brethren by calling us fat), I've heard it all in my 44 years.
If anyone wants to be offended by anything posted on this or any other BB, that is absolutley your right. But, the reason the vast majority of the people remain in this Club is not because of chip collecting (as not to offend anyone by omission, the term "chip collecting" is short hand for all casino collectibles, including tokens, silver strikes, slot cards, room keys, swizzle sticks, postcards, matchbooks, advertisements, slippers, shower caps, soaps, sugar packets, etc. Hope I didn't miss anyone )but is because of the people and the friendships formed over the years.
And even if we disagree on things or occasionally get pissed offed at each other, we remain friends. This Club is made up of the very best people you could ever have the honor of knowing. This is especially true of Archie Black. I DO know him, I WANT to know him and I am proud to call him my friend!