... I use computer generated checks and all I do is sign them and put them in windowed envelopes where the address shows through saving me the trouble of addressing them. Well, on a couple of hurried occasions I stuffed my bills in the envelope and forgot to sign them -NO SIGNATURE- the bank has paid EVERY one of them! Try it... you'll be surprised I promise! Oh, and yes I too have had the bank call me and ask about a signature on a check not looking like mine. That made me feel good that someone actually looked and was protecting me. I was furious when MANY unsigned checks have cleared on multiple occasions, I had no recource unless I wanted to file theft charges on the people I wrote them to. The bank takes NO responsibility. Check it out.
Now I usually don't sign them if it's any of my normal monthly bills, I just stuff and mail! If I mail one to an individual I sign it, the INDIVIDUAL will look at it... NOT the bank!