I purchased a box of these chips on last year. These are from The Poker Chip Co. in San Francisco, so the box is what I was after.
I'm nuts for chips & stuff from S.F. Say, anyone have chip boxes labeled as from a S.F. chip distributor? I'll buy or trade for them. Even empty boxes.
I put the full box in my display case and forgot about the chips. While moving some stuff around this afternoon I "rediscovered" these chips. I love it when this happens. To make a long story short... I'm looking for these chips hot stamped. I'm thinking it will be interesting to have the same chip hot stamped & blank.
If anyone has these chips hot stamped I'd love to trade. I'll trade two of my blank chips for each of your hot stamped chips. The blank chips are about as MINT as chips can be. You can almost cut yourself on the edges. Interesting to see an older chip in this condition.
BTW, which is correct? Hotstamp, Hot stamp, or Hot-stamp?