True Andy. Just that when something suspicious comes up, and it's a box of Nevada mold chips, in like new condition, the WAG is Borland.
I agree, and understand that the Nevada mold was in use and for real chips before the questionable chips were made.
Maybe the owner had 100 of each chip made and they are real? Maybe he ordered them from Borland who was trying to sell chips to casinos.
When we are going round with this issue, I ask myself... If I was a casino owner, would I buy casino chips from someone who is not established and who could just make up boxes and boxes for his friends?
Maybe that's why the "real" chips that Borland may have sold, would be fractional and NCVs?
All Nevada Mold chips are not fakes. many are real, from a time period before Bill Borland bought the mold is that better?