Well... still unpacking.
Still can't find anything.
Still chasing spiders like a 5 year old desperately trying to catch an ice cream truck
If I owe ya chips or money (get in line )...
Seriously... send me a reminder email.
I was without my regular server and have a bunch of stuff on my laptop.
(Archie... I know I owe you for the new $2.50)
Anything I can take care of at convention (chipwise... or minimal cash... ), let me know.
I'll print a ledger before I head out... because I can't find my purse
Still need a yard (and curtin rods and landscaping and shelves for my garage and concrete and patio and garden wall (I want to do one of those - eventually). Am heading out instead for a Claw and some beach toys (need to strain my dirt or something... my lawnmover is not doing well with the amazing number of rocks under the weeds. I TRIED to get them but ya can't see 'em all until they hit the blade and throw sparks)
Love the house... some parts are looking great. (inside isn't bad if ya don't go too far down the hall My office is still a ROYAL mess
So that's the update...
and yup... my boss fabricated a post to handle the 8 foot extension over the easement! Mailbox is covered! Two of my neighbors came by and asked if he'd do one for them.
Miss ya'll. I'll have time for CB in... oh.... about 40 years?