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The Chip Board Archive 09

Am I Crazy?????????????????

To want to just pick up and move to Las Vegas that is.

I have been tormenting my partner about leaving the business and moving my family to fantasy land ( my fantasy that is ). He loves Vegas too, and the thought of me just up and leaving him behind is driving him to distraction I think.

But all the kidding has got me beginning to think more serious about it. Hey, I'm 54 now, it isn't like I have a ton of time left. I refuse to say "Maybe next life".

Am I nuts? Would I really give up this beautifull Cleveland weather? Heck it's due to start warming up here in another month or two. We
could see temps in the 70's by July.

Do they have opticians in Vegas? Could my wife
( a baker ) find a job with benefits and decent pay? Would I make new friends ( oh that's right, I have you guy's). Will my kids be happy (are they now)?

I can be pretty impulsive, but this isn't like betting $100 on red 23. This would probably be the biggest gamble of my life. Getting nervous just thinking about all this.

Good schools in the area? Nice homes and neighborhoods? Hospitals? Safe for my family?
Heck, seems like many of our patients are taking more and more trips to LV, staying longer, and some of them looking for homes they say.

This is beginning to play on my mind a lot lately. What could go wrong ( they don't have spiders in Vegas do they)?

Hey I could even become a chips dealer like Josh or Dave, or Pete or any of my other LV hero's. Or I could be just like Lucky ( watching too much TV ).
Or I could just be me, but be me in Las Vegas.
Wow! I must have dreamed about this last night. I woke up this morning and all this is really fresh in my head. Could be a long day.

If you can give me one reason why I should or should not move to Vegas, I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Strange, when I go to Vegas, about twice a year, I always feel like I am returning home.

Messages In This Thread

Am I Crazy?????????????????
STAY where you are at! grin
Re: STAY where you are at! grin
Re: STAY where you are at! grin
Re: STAY where you are at! grin
Hey, Jim... Is it possible that if you were
Re: STAY where you are at! grin
Re: STAY where you are at! grin
Eight Legged Freaks...
Its 106 Degree in Vegas RIGHT NOW
Compare them in January
Re: Eight Legged Freaks...
Re: Eight Legged Freaks...
Re: STAY where you are at! grin
Spiders...Heat...Spiders...Drunk Drivers
Re: Spiders...Heat...Spiders...Drunk Drivers
Re: Spiders...Heat...Spiders...Drunk Drivers
Re: I Love Las Vegas
Re: I Love Las Vegas
Re: I Love Las Vegas
Yes, Janice, bet if you saw a spider...
Re: Yes, Janice, bet if you saw a spider...
Re: Am I Crazy?????????????????
Re: Am I Crazy?????????????????
Re: Am I Crazy?????????????????
Re: Am I Crazy?????????????????

Copyright 2022 David Spragg