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The Chip Board Archive 09

Hint of the day NCR

To follow up on Pauls hint yesterday here is one that I discovered myself a few years ago and find invaluable. When I first tried this my wife said it would never work but was she ever wrong! I thought about this post as I cleaned two pairs of shoes for the convention last nite.

When your white athletic shoes get dirty enough that putting on white polish just doesn't fix them anymore try scrubbing them with some Soft Scrub and a toothbrush. When done they look like new and are ready for polish. While you are scrubbing the shoes soak the laces in a bowl with water, bleach and some soap. After doing one shoe compare it to the other one and you will be amazed - it's like new.

Messages In This Thread

Hint of the day NCR
Dark Glasses are Cheaper rofl
HEY John...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg