for putting up with my recent "Selling Spree" (to counter the fact that this house would mean spending money 8x-times faster than I earn it OUCH!)
and I haven't even moved in yet! That's this weekend!
Anyway... I don't want to post the new address here in case some Cyber-stalker has Arizona penciled in for next destination... but since we got the mailbox up!
(yikes! What a fiasco!
), I can FINALLY give out my address.
If you're one of the people who keeps nice notes or formal address-books ... or just need it for whatever reason, email me. I'll send it.
Also - thanks to you all and this Board for letting me cash in my chips to help fund that overwhelming first "I NEED EVERYTHING!" List".
I was afraid if I left my wallet at home, I might get picked up as a vagrant
Here's a "new house-happening"... this evening, I killed a spider (the size of a small kitten) in my garage. Gotta love Arizona!