I just got home from the Deep South Chapter's quarterly trade meeting. A great time was had by all. We had almost 20 attendees, got 3 new membership applications, and traded lots of great chips.
Each session, someone donates a chip, and we raffle it at the end of the meeting. Well, I didn't win the chip this time (A mint $2.50 Lady Luck), but they had a second raffle for a booby prize that I did win. Look what I got...
Just kidding, Arch!!
I actually paid good money for this chip at the meeting!
If any of you southern collectors aren't members of the Deep South Chapter yet, you're missing a great meeting every quarter with lots of great chips (with many many illegals if that's your cup o' tea).
Our next meeting is in August if you'd like to join us. The specific dates will be posted on the Chapter web site http://home.cfl.rr.com/deepsouthchips/.