Gaming Control changed its policy (attitude?) towards chip collecting after the artwork for the strikes had been approved. Their policy is that if the artwork for a chip/strike/token has been approved, then the item will be approved when the sample has been submitted AND there is no change from the artwork. I believe that represents the fact that once a casino has relied on the artwork approval and expended funds and effort to perfect the request, then Gaming Control feels honor-bound to continue with the approval. I don't know if the policy is in writing.
Interestingly, after denying approval for chips, Gaming approved the El Cortez artwork for a Silver Strike Chapter strike and disapproved their
strike. I also saw the prototype of the Las Vegas Club Chapter strike which is on the April approval list, a couple of weeks ago. We will likely have five strikes during the convention:
at The Palms and The Plaza and Chapter strikes at The Palms, Las Vegas Club and El Cortez.
This is clearly proof that Gaming likes us strikers better.