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The Chip Board Archive 09

"Illegal" items on eBay

I finally received a response to my written letter to eBay on their cancelling some members auctions because they use the word illegal in the description. To say that the letter is less than satisfying is an understatement. The letter which is several months old was finally responded to by "Zoe" with no last name, no date and no signature. She went thru the reason that the auctions were cancelled and suggested that I contact them thru email if I wish for them to consider the change! I used snail mail originally because I could not find a email address for their customer support anywhere on their site. She suggested that I contact them thru . Well I just spent the last hour going thru every link I could find and even the places where it says "go here to contact customer service" lead to no email link or addresses. If anyone has a customer service email address I would be willing to follow up on this. Otherwise I think there is no hope for getting this changed.

Messages In This Thread

"Illegal" items on eBay
Re: Fuhgeddaboudit
Maybe this will work?
Here's a better link
Re: Here's a better link
Every time I've emailed them...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg