Row 2: The A and the D chip are listed in Seymour's Antique Gambling Chips,pg. 290, Poker Monograms, Single, Initial Inlaid Stencil, Paranoid Poker Chips,Circa 1908-1938, US Playing Card Co. They have no ID codes but Values are c-e ($3.00- $7.00 in general). There are a variety of colors.
The 3rd chip in that row is listed in the same book, pg. 323 with an ID code of PW-UV, "Comets", with a value of d, ($4-$5).There are a variety of colors. Story goes on this chip
that it was used in a famous gambling scene in "Gone With the Wind". Only problem is the chip was manufactured around 1908 and we all know the Civil War was in the 1860's. Propman must have not done his homework. Nancy Olson R-5436