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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Move it up to again....
In Response To: Move it up to $350.... ()

... Since this is for a good cause and I believe in "repaying" what you get out of a club, I am making an increase to the amount I will be paying. We must remember the people who have gone before us to allow us more pleasure in doing what we love to do. Whether it is to offer us a chance to get a item we are wanting or to offer suggestions and comments to increase our love for our hobbies. The importance of the Building Fund makes this memorial all that more important.

I increase my offering to $500.


Messages In This Thread

Dan Mills Memorial Building Fund Auction!
$51.00 ********
$75 is my bid.
As soon as we get a bid of $100 or more I'll add..
OK $100. Now you can add the $5 Saddle West. grin
I bid $125.....
Dan Mills Memorial B. F. Auction High Bidder!
I will bid $160
As soon as we get a bid of $200 or more I'll add..
My bid is now $225
Re: My bid is now $225
I up the ante to $250
Good man, Hawk--but I'll go to $275
If the high bid gets to $300 or more I'll add.....
Put me in for $325 then...
Move it up to $350....
Re: Move it up to again....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg