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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Any musicians out there?
In Response To: Any musicians out there? ()

Yes there is music written for drums vbg My uncle who was the head percussionist for the Nashville Symphony Orchestra used to bring all his toys home and practice for hours in one of our barns. He had sheets of music that he mulled over for hours trying to get it just right, and when his parts came up in the 1812 Oveture you could hear him for miles. As for the drum sets that the Rock drummers use now days I think most of it is just for show, there are only 6 basic peices in a drum set, 4 drums and 2 cymbles. The rest are for special effects and just used for one shot for one song. As far as knowing what to hit, practice, practice, practice and timing, timing,timing.

Messages In This Thread

Any musicians out there?
has anyone ever noticed
Re: Any musicians out there?
Re: YES to drum sheet music (NCR)
Read Modern Drummer
Re: Read Modern Drummer

Copyright 2022 David Spragg