Paul, I have to disagree when you say "It is not rare by any stretch of the term."
According to Webster...
Rare: adj Infrequently occurring; uncommon.
I was merely trying to colloquially describe the availability of the card relative to the availability of Vegas cards, AC cards, etc. You have to admit the card is harder to come by than those, and there are fewer of them out there to be had. Can you say that this card "occurs frequently" or is "common" on card trader pages? Just because a card is currently issued does not make it "common".
Now that I've disagreed with you, I will say that I understand your point of view and I share your interest in preserving the integrity of the word "rare" in context of describing our collectibles. As our friend Archie pointed out to me...
"I have a reserved penchant for the use of the term "very rare" for things that are in fact "VERY RARE". How would you describe a card that truly is "very rare" after wasting that description on a card that is not (in my personal opinion)?"
You both make a very valid point that we need to be careful in choosing our terms to describe our traders and that there is REAL value in reserving certain descriptive terms such as "Rare", and the even more controversial "Obsolete", for those cases that truly warrant them.
Perhaps the CC&GTCC should consider defining definitions (like they did chip grades) for "Very Rare", "Rare", "Uncommon", "Common", etc. so they're not mis-used in the future? Otherwise, others will continue to mis-use the word since it's common definition is so subjective.
In the future, rest assured I'll use more colloquial words (Scarce? Hard-to-come-by?) in my descriptions.