With mad respect to you for having the guts to make a stand, allow me to offer a very simple question about your post:
How can you say "When Bill Clinton got that stunning defeat in 94, he almost turned conservative" and later say "He knew he could not be re-elected running on a platform of,"Gays in the Military and the Socialistic Hilliary Health Care System"
and then go on to mock people like myself who claim there is no REAL difference between Democrats and Republicans?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
You just explained how Clinton sold out all real Liberal values for votes. And I know you know that Bush Sr. sold out all real Republican values for votes. I would love an election between Pat Buchanen and Ralph Nader. That would be a real contest. Americans are sad pathetic pieces of crap who prefer to vote for one centrist over the other. Your own post proves that you know that.
I'm a real liberal. I have voted indie every year since Clinton promised that the primary goal of his presidency would be socialized medicine -- then he failed to deliver despite controlling both houses of Congress. I will always respect Reagan (in my opinion an idiot) more than Clinton because Reagan could get things done. Clinton sold out every liberal who voted for him and conned them into voting for him again. I don't care who sucked him off -- I feel like he raped very liberal I know.