Here's the deal.....
The Desert Diamond has two main casinos. The older facility under a big white, plastic tent and the new facility (ten miles away) that is intended to become a resort facility.
It is the new facility that offers Keno, slots, live poker and now blackjack.
The old facility offers BINGO, Keno and slots.
At the new facility, live poker uses the older CHIPCO rack. Blackjack uses the new Paul-SON rack.
Next month, the older facility is supposed to get blackjack (they are refurbishing the tent area as we speak).
I HAVE BEEN TOLD: The old facility will use a new rack when they get blackjack. NOT THE PAUL-SON RACK now is use for blackjack at the new facility, but a new Paul-SON rack ($1's, $2.50's, $5's, $25's, $100's and $500's).
Call me stupid, but I will provide chips at face, plus $1. The dollar covers postage and handling upto 5 chips. 6 - 10 chips adds another dollar. $30 or more in face value will incur insurance that you must cover.
You must also be patient. I am doing this as a courtesy and in now way make money. I will know that you are serious about wanting chips when I see your check, MO or cash in the mail (be careful of the cash).
Allow me to stress!!!!!!!!!! The above info is a plan. I believe that Paul-SON already has the requirement, but a design and order is not done. Timing is about a month away.
I will NOT cash checks or MO's until after the chips have been released!
Jim Follis
5169 N. Windriver Pl.
Tucson, AZ 85750