"Pete, Al, Reilly have YET to EVER say ANYTHING positive about the US Government so I find their positions VERY predictable!"
Carl- You apparently can't counter my actual arguments, so you choose to paint me as a stereotypical anti-war protester, since they are easy for you to attack. I have said repeatedly that I love the U.S. and the freedoms it offers. I have said I love that the Supreme COurt (which you may or may not realize is part of the government) protects the rights of Americans to protest. I began this very thread by praising the men and women of our military (an arm of our government) and describing ways I have tried to support them. SO what you really mean is that I haven't said anything positive about a particular action of this administration. And the truth is I've said that I am torn on that. So please feel free to attack what I've said, but don't resort to mischaracterizing my position or my statements. It cheapens your position.