Hi everyone...I'm back from my Nassau, Bahamas trip. While I was there is just happened to discover that they have issued a new $1.00 chip at the Atlantis Casino on Paridise Island.
According to one of the pit bosses and the dealers I spoke to the new chip hit the tables appox. 10 days ago. So....consider this the first Official Notification. I have a confession to make though. I had a total brain cramp while there. I somehow never bothered to ask at the cage if they had any of the previous $1.00 chips that I could buy! I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself. How can a real chipper be in a casino that just released new chips and not even bother to ask if they had the now obsolete ones available in the cage to buy. I could kick myself! The only thing I can say in my defense is that first off, the drinks were definately NOT watered down! And secondly, I was winning on slot machines. But thats another post.
I have some extras of these new Atlantis chips for trade, and I prefer to trade for other forgein chips that I need.
The 5.00 chips remain the same as before, but Im not sure (nor was the pit boss) if they plan to replace them in the future. I was told that nobody on the floor was even expecting them. The new $1.00 chips just showed up one day to everyone's surprise.
I'll be posting a scan of the new chips tonight...as soon as I get my drivers installed for my scanner. I just installed Windows XP and for some reason it's not seeing my scanner.
P.S., I also still have some of the new (and most excellent) Alhambra $1.00 chips from Aruba available for trade. In my humble opinion..the new Alhambra should definately be the COTY !! I guess Im going to have to make my official nomination for it sometime here in the future.