As I said, you are certainly welcome to conduct your auctions in any manner you choose. I was merely stating that since you chose to advertise your auctions in this forum you should expect critisicm for your gouging on shipping charges.
Your shipping charge for a single chip is $2.10 and, while excessive, is not abusive, especially in its degree (there are others who add a small incremental amount for each additional chip, which is abusive to a lesser degree). Your shipping charge for two chips, then, would be $4.20, which, since it costs you no more to ship two chips than one chip, is absolutely abusive. Three chips would be $6.30... allowing you a "shipping charge" profit roughly $5. It is clear that you are running these auctions for common chips for the sole purpose of profiteering on the shipping charge.
You seem to feel that stating that you do not "discount" shipping for multiple chips makes it acceptable... and that stating it twice makes it more acceptable. I'll go out on a limb and, while I wouldn't presume to speak for the hundreds of readers of The Chip Board, I would say that few, if any, would find your practice acceptable.