Those who claim this is a war to liberate Iraq fail to answer this question . . .
Why Iraq . . . Why now?
There are many brutal regimes in the world, there are many nations in which citizens lack basic freedoms which we take for granted.
Should we invade Cuba? How about the former Soviet States? How about China? Saudi Arabia? Most of the African nations, I can go on and on. Cuba is of course the one nation in the list which we have taken action on in the form of the embargo.
If you support this as a war of liberation then you should either support going to war with all these governments (or at least the ones we can beat) or you should be able to tell me what makes Iraq special.
So why is it that the one country you think we should send our military to liberate is Iraq?
And why now? Were not the Iraqi's just as oppressed when we were supporting their government and providing them weapons?
>DO they want to wait until they (terrorist) have moved in next door before acknowledging they exist?
here you jump to a different issue. Yes Iraq has been a state sponsor of terrorism, has been for 25 years, of course Iraq is a "distant third behind Iran, Syria" (see link below). So again why not invade Syria? Iran? Heck there are pretty good links between Saudi Arabia and Al Queda maybe we should invade Saudi Arabia.
So again why Iraq as opposed to the other nations.
Take a look at this letter and the response.