... I still don't see how what he said has any bearing on the point Al was making and to which you responded in asking about Arnett's statements.
Some excerpts from reports on the interview:
>> Peter Arnett ... told Iraqi state TV on Sunday that his reporting
>> about Iraqi civilian casualties "helps those who oppose the war".
>> The allied war plan, he said, "has failed because of Iraqi resistance".
>> "Out of professional courtesy he answered their questions,"
>> the statement said. "He saw it as purely analysis."
>> In the interview, Arnett said American war planners
>> had failed to pay attention to his reporting.
>> "In my commentaries on television I would tell the Americans about
>> the determination of the Iraqi forces, the determination of the
>> government, and the willingness to fight for their country," he said.
Good grief!! Now our military leaders should base their plans on what reporters say!! I think not.
What does any of this have to do with the point Al was making?????????? ----- jim o\-S