Thank you to all that has responded in the first 18 hours of this Building Fund Project. There have been a total of 119 chips donated. Only 4 of them are duplicates and 7 others are not $1. That means that there are 108 different $1 chips in this fundraiser thus far. 25 people have donated to this worthy cause so far. Charles Kaplan and Rich Hanover have donated the most so far at 20 chips each.
My original goal was 500 different $1 chips (even though in my post I only stated 300). I believe we can reach this goal with everyones help. If you would like to donate a $1 chip or $1 chips, please send your chips to:
Luke Rapley
2620 Betty Drive
Buford, GA 30519
Post a response to this message with the chips that you are sending so that others will see what you are sending. I have created a webpage that lists all the chips that have been donated thus far.
Please look at this site and to see which chips have been donated and try to donate something that is not on the list. If you do not have any chips that are not already listed, no problem, I will take whatever you have.
With a little help from everyone, we can make this project into a huge success.
Keep the chips coming,
Luke R-3867