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The Chip Board Archive 08

Point to ponder.....

I suppose in differnt parts of the counrty the same things are happening.... I am hearing the service personel are in need of things that they cannot get, like Chap-Stik, Q-tips, and other such items. There are some big drives collecting these things and a major company has agreed to pay shipping to the troups.

Question: The cost of this effort is in the BILLIONS... We can't afford CHAP-STIK for the defenders of freedom???? Something ain't adding up here!

Note: I AM willing to send Saddam a tube of Preperation-H, and it can be delivered by one of those sidewinder missles that is going there anyway. vbg

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Point to ponder.....
Re: Point to ponder.....
Re: Point to ponder.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg