Good Morning Rich!
I have read ALL the replies involving your post to our chip board. I tend to side with those who would like to keep posts chip related. However, in the past I have found myself leaving "chips" and posting on other issues whenever someone posts a note that sends me over the edge. .
I served my country from 1963 to 1966. I enlisted in the army as many young men did during that period of time. Back in the early sixties I believed then as I believe today our involvement in Vietnam was the right "thing" to do. It doesn't matter to me whether I get agreement from others about my "Vietnam" position. You see it is necessary for my balance to place closure and move on.
It does not surprise me that many individuals are against our country and its policy in the Middle East. During the days prior to the start of the war with Iraq I found it difficult to understand WHY it was so necessary to hurry up and go to war NOW versus later. After all we are dealing with a "people" who still use their bare hand instead of toilet paper when finishing going to the rest room. I know all the arguements pro and con and yet could not be covinced that WE had to ACT, NOW. When the war started it didn't matter any longer what I thought. My position became as was once stated long ago "My country may she always be right; but my country right or wrong". However Rich this is me. Today it is not politically correct to call our enemy names or to hate our enemy.
The action is looked upon as being prejudice. I guess than I am prejudice. I have been called worse.
I could care less. My self image is good enough that It really doesn't matter to me what someone "thinks" of my views or opinions about our enemies. In war you do what is necessary to win!!! If using pigs to accomplish a goal and it works then use pigs. If killing 10,000 of our enemy saves one American life - than kill 10,000 of the enemy. If this makes me prejudice than I guess I am prejudice. Have a nice day Rich and I'll see you at the convention
Best, Mr."P"