... against terrorists. Check out (again) the meaning of the word.
"Prejudice" is:
>> ... having "an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand
>> or without knowledge or examination of the facts" ...
Anyone who didn't have sufficient knowledge of terrorism to form an "adverse judgment" prior to 9-11 certainly has it now.
>> ... or "the state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions" ...
There is nothing "unreasonable" about dislike, even hatred, of terrorism.
>> ... or "irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group ...."
Nor is there anything "irrational" about hating terrorists.
The thrust of the Pershing story (whether true or apocryphal) was not "prejudice" against Muslims but dislike or hatred -- and punishment -- of terrorists.
I have no problem saying that, even in death, I hate the b*stards who crashed into the WTC. Had they not died in the process, I'd have no problem with the imposition of Pershing's punishment on them.
And, if you think that's "prejudice", then you still don't understand what the word means.
----- jim o\-S