....you said I "neeeeded that chip for awhile" and you posted rather inexpensive prices. Since I neeeeed that chip, and I don't know if I will be over bid I will set a reminder on my PDA to remind me when each auction closes, THEN I will SNIPE the chip in the last 2 seconds, IF I am over-sniped, I bid on the next auction, I should win ONE of them and as soon as I win one I let the others go because I got what I neeeeeded. If I got extra chips great, if not no big deal. The small amount I pay extra for additional chips is insignificant to me and I will sell/trade/give away the ones I don't want. The point is I got the chip I NEEEEEDED.
Option #2 I email you and try and talk you out of that chip for FREEEEEEEE ... knowing your generous nature and giving you an off the wall story about a duck & my mother's honeymoon in Acupulco, I know it's in the bag!! hehehehe Plus, I save SHIPPING! (Now I can even donate $$ to PETA! { P eople who E at T asty A nimals})