You are correct about taking a full out approach to tax diversion ...
But I haven't had any "deep" thoughts lately...
I have been wanting to do this post for months.
AM tired... (tired enough that 6 bubble envelopes sit - untouched.
Each represents a "log" into something (chart, list or database), a "thank you - got it" email and the energy to put it away.
And my boss has called 3 times tonight - the last time to ask how a "calling card" shows up on caller ID. With that phone call, I explained that I had to replace the battery in the cordless phone, and couldn't use it for the next 12 hours
Hyper?? ME??? My mother says, "You're not stressed... YOU'RE the carrier!"
I guess I just like to hear what others think...
especially when I'm doing so much of it, I'm tired of my same ole topics. New perspective refreshes me... humor sets me free. (for a few minutes at least
) I get that here.
And with that - I'm going to see what's in those envelopes now... so at least 6 of you should getting an email shortly