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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: Chips can be bought at the cage in A.C.

Hey Mike -

TEST FAILED! I was down for a tournament weekend on Fri-Sun and dealt with the new system. There are some a few problems that Tom Gitto has to look into.

The main issue is probably not solvable. The room is not set up for selling chips, redeeming them, and handling the safe-deposit and ancilary services. Add the check-in/check-out for the comps about 10 feet away, the simulcasting 10 feet on the other side and it is just WAY too conjested. You get a seat and then have a 10-15 minute wait to get the chips before you can sit down.

They have used chip runners (via a cart) and this has (IMHO) worked well. I don't know how Taj sees it (if it was successful or not) but later on Saturday the chip runner came out. It is similar to how some rooms in LV and California that might work. Of course the security and CCC concerns will weigh in as well.

Tropicana also uses the same model but its slightly different because of how the room is set up. The cage allows for lines to form without impacting seated players. Taj has tables close to the cage and the walkway for waitress, cage lines, horse racing, and tables are colliding.

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Chips can be bought at the cage in A.C.
Re: Chips can be bought at the cage in A.C.
Re: Chips can be bought at the cage in A.C.
Re: Chips can be bought at the cage in A.C.

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