Please at least get your information correct. Saddam is a Sunni. They are not in the South. That is where the Sheites are and they are the ones who really hate Saddam along with the Curdes in the North, who also hate the Turks, who are crossing the border to prevent the Curdes from trying to form an independant country- Curdestant. This of course is where a majority of the Iraqi oil reserves happen to be. Now who said KISS. How can you keep it simple with all of the following factions and different interests that come into play here.
If you want to add more to the pot consider the French who have the commitments with Saddam to develop all or most of the northern oil fields that have been neglected due to the imbargo. I wonder why they are so against this war?? Also the AL queda faction from Iran that would love to push the Curdes out of existance and develop a new base of operation along with the oil money.
With all of this who still thinks we are going to get in and out quickly and rebuild the Iraqi country without HUGH commmittments of cash that will have to come from the pockets of the American worker. This is of course after the blood of some of the world's youth is shed.
Did some one say something about weapons of mass destruction??? I think a hell of a lot more is going on here.