I am heading into some major tax deadlines at work for the next few weeks so before I go under... wanted to remind people to PLEASE approach your local casinos in hopes to procure some merchandise or sevice donations.
Here is a link to an introduction letter than might help you get started
And Deb Meister - debrameister@hotmail.com - has agreed to help with anything (especially the next few weeks) such as coordinating information or delivery of donations if needed.
Feel free to email either one of us if you have questions!
Also - IF you have secured a donation (either you already have it in your possession or are in a position to approve that donation, please let one of us know. That way - if possible - we can focus attention away from a casino that has generously made a donation - and work on the place next door instead.
ANY help will be appreciated - as well as information, ideas or even progress reports so we'll have idea "how we're doing".
Thanks all
Also- watch for more Building Fund
"Wha's Happenin?" at the Convention Fundraising Table Announcements.
Over the weekend, I learned of an unexpected, but exciting development and show of support concerning "Wha's Happenin' " at the Convention Fundraising Table and I couldn't be more delighted! Am hoping I can share it real soon!