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The Chip Board Archive 08

What was the Opinion? . . . I missed it.

1. We are allowed to state our own opinion on this board right? Yes. (Fact)
2. He has his Hard Rock Minnie and Lola the Dog chips up on Ebay auction, . . . If you say so... (I don't know if they are HIS as you state, but will give you the benefit of the doubt that they are his). (Fact)
3. the one's that cost him $5.00 each, Again, your information must be better than mine as I have no idea what he had to pay for the acquisition, maybe they were a gift. (Assumption)
4. for the low low price of $250.00 each if you buy it now. I think that is his option, eBay will allow you to put any price there. (Fact)
5. Just wanted to say thanks for that great option. We are all grateful for this open pubic forum. THANKS GREG! (Expression)

I missed the opinion somewhere....

Are you implying between the lines that in your opinion it is legally, morally or ethically wrong to do anything you have stated he has done? Or that he has an obligation to us or anyone else to offer these at a different price? Or that his auction is in someway fraudulent or misleading?

I can't get on the bandwagon if there is no bandwagon to get on! rofl Hey, I'm with you, let's get this guy.... but for what?? Hmmmm..... mad
If we look close, could this be "SOUR GRAPES???"

Messages In This Thread

Bam Bams Hard Rock Chip Auction
What was the Opinion? . . . I missed it.
Re: What was the Opinion? . . . I missed it.
Re: What was the Opinion? . . . I missed it.
Woof.... Woof.... vbg
Re: Bam Bams Hard Rock Chip Auction
try this

Copyright 2022 David Spragg