My guess is it is more economics. I think it was the Opera House that said that they ,"weren't making enough money on the $1 chips".
If the Opera house doesn't issue $1 chips, then they lose out on the beginner collector. If they stop making $1 chips, then they also lower their sales of the $5 chips etc IMO.
I guess it is bound to happen someday due to inflation at the very least. I wonder how much the casinos are playing for those dollar chips, the Luxor limits people to 5 chips because,"They cost them more than a dollar". I find that hard to believe, but maybe.
Opps I did mess up that song. It should go: Ricky don't lose that number, you don't want to call nobody else. I should of sang: Billy don't be a Hero, don't be a fool with your life. (G)
Viva Las Vegas,
Byron :o)