Billy don't lose that number, you don't want to call nobody else...Sorry..(G)
Billy, what alternate universe do you live in? (G) Maybe if Iraq turned into Vietnam, W wouldn't get re-elected. Perhaps if the USA heads into another recession. The economy might not pull out from that bubble economy of the late 1990's. Japan had a bubble economy in the late 1980's and is still mired in the aftermath.
I don't see any Demo that could win it, only W could lose it.
Ummm I think Vegas has a good sized football stadium. Didn't they build one for the XFL team? I think it is in Henderson. The NFL hates gambling and thus Vegas, so I think that will be some time before Vegas gets any pro team. The latest numbers I have seen are that Clark County as 1.5 M people. Perhaps when that hits 3M, the pro teams won't be able to ignore us.