You've increased our collection with the casino 3 numnber code being called a variation, see bold type below which has been added to our previous post.
a) Gold Card with 3 different backs -
1) 1-800-HARRAHS CENTERED,with SIGNATURE line below and 2001 below that. Casino No. 125.
2) 1-800-HARRAHS CENTERED with 4 casino names below and 2001 below them. Casino No. 135.
3) 1-800-HARRAHS (1/2" space) HARRAHS.COM with 4 casino names below and 2002 below them. Casino Nos. 135 & 170. Question - does smaller type size for the person's name make a variant? If so add another card to our collection.
b) Platinum Card with 2 types of front and 2 different backs -
1) Front, no date in lower right hand corner. Back, 1-877-7HARRAH CENTERED with no casino names below. Casino No. 135.
2) Front, dated 03/2003 in lower right hand corner. Back, 1-877-7HARRAH CENTERED with 4 casino names below and 2001 below them. Casino Nos. 118 & 170.
3) Front, dated 03/2004 in lower right hand corner. Back, 1-877-7HARRAH CENTERED with 4 casino names below and 2001 below them. Casino No. 135.
c) Diamond Card, only have 1 - Front, dated 03/2003 in lower right hand corner. Back, no large phone number, with 4 casino names centered and 2001 below them, Casino No. 198.