filled with many of it's own errors, but the real point here is that Al's statement lumped ALL Christians into a stereotype of narrow minded, arrogant people who have no respect for anothers individuality and continually force feed our beliefs on others without their consent. I have a right to respond because it is not true. I didn't start the post; only took the opportunity presented to rebut.
I'm used to people such as yourself, who be-little and "shame" Christians from living out the gospel message. I guess you feel that you have some really good evidence to prove your point, but all of your information is at the very least, self serving in my opinion. There is all sorts of anti-Christian sentiment in the world today and I am truly grateful that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has allowed us the free will to accept His offer of truth,love and forgiveness. I honestly am not offended at your post and can tell you that a true follower of Christ would never take up arms against beliefs such as you state. Men are imperfect and proves more the need for a Savior. Many atrocities have been done in the name of religion that is true, but let's not leave out the rest of the story. Just as many have been done in the name of evil and hate apart from organized religion. There will come a day when you will know the reality of what you now claim to be true. I wouldn't want to base my eternal existence on the evidence you supplied.