I'm not sure if it's because of your college "education" or your influences in the media, but you are always quick to take the far left view of anything spoken on in regards to politics or religion. And here I quote you,
"America's conservative Christians don't want that because they believe their personal belief system is superior to every other one I just mentioned and theyt want to intimidate everyone into acting like them. They want to shame those who are different. They have no respect for individuality"
Wow, Al, it's no wonder you have the views you do. You claim to be "Christian" and then qualify it by saying you believe only as far as you think it would make the world a better place. I'm sorry to break this to you, Al, but that is a false belief. Christ taught us about a personal relationship with him. What was his teaching, Al? His teaching was to repent and turn our heart's back to God, the loving Father who created us. When the people of his day asked him what they needed to do to do the will of God, what did Jesus say? He said "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul...and love your neighbor as yourself." Christ himself claimed (not us) that there is ONE way to heaven and that is through the Son of God. There is no other acceptable sacrifice for sin, except through the blood of Christ. This is not OUR claim, Al, it is God's claim. No mature Christian "forces" another to believe what we believe, but we are obligated to share the love and salvation of God with a lost world. It is out of love that we share the good news of salvation, and not out of "disrespect of individuality" No Christian wants to see another human being go into an eternity seperated from their loving creator. And Al, God DOES love you and wants you to be with him in eternity, but the gift of salvation has to be accepted and asked for. It is, in fact, a personal decision. No one wants to force it on you...A true Christian just wants you to know the truth and loves you enough to say it.