George- I ask you to do some research before you declare me "WRONG". Sex with a minor is defined as illegal because the law DECLARES that a minor is incapable of giving consent. that is the theory behind the law. That is why it is BY STATUTE declared rape (defined as sex without consent). Do yourself a favor and research the facts before yuo proclaim me worng.
Want to know how I know? It's the 3 years I spent in law school and the 3 months preparing for the New York Bar Exam! I passed it my first time, and I know the idea of a minor being declared incapable of consent.
Look, I'll argue any bit of philosophy, but DON'T YOU DARE declare me "WRONG" unless you have taken the time to do the research.
OK, onto your next nonsensical point. Rather than defend your statement that the Pledge is optional, you chose to tell me that my completely legitimate point of it being MANDATORY when forced on a 7-year-old is irrelevant. Hey, you picked this fight! So when you are obviously losing you chose to change the topic to the state of the public school system?
Now-- my attitude toward Christians presents itself. I think if you would read all my posts, you will see that I've repeatedly identified myself as Christian. I believe that the world would be a better place if the teachings attributed to Jesus Christ were embraced by all. How much more Christian do you want me to be? DO I have to ram it down people's throats? Oh no, that's what Fundamentalists are for.
As for me being bitter -- ask anyone on this board who has met me -- I am having the most fun possible with every breath of air God has given me. Proving the silliness of arguments such as yours is just a fun thing to do on my way to the bedroom to make love with my wife. I am so far from bitter. life is sweet. I love life. Meet me for a beer and a lap dance sometime and I'll prove it to you.