David Feavel and I stumbled into a hatful of Harrah's and there were a few of these Harrah's Trump Plaza Fun Nite chips
Being I haven't mailed HIS half yet,
I didn't want to take TOO big of a jump on him so WE have having a CB Sale... we have 6-10 sets (between us, not each
) of these chips seen here for $8.00/ set DELIVERED!
This is a 24 hour CB sale because I'm mailing what's left tomorrow ...
Chips include 4 OBSOLETE HTP NCV FN chips ($1 - $5 - $25 & $100 plus a BONUS 25 FN chip (from where-ever you want it to be... I have no clue
5 chips - $8.00 - INCLUDES SHIPPING
"Sale" ends tomorrow (Monday) NOON AZ time
and I should mention that $8 is LESS THAN HALF the "suggested retail" price...
You can post here or email me or David...
but all the the chips are in AZ... so try me first
Thanks all!