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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: One chip I forgot
In Response To: Re: One chip I forgot ()


When I first examined the chip, there were no little chip fragments in the holder, so I assumed that the chip was put into the holder already broken. However, the next participant claimed that the chip was broken when it arrived. I will just have to assume that it was broken while in transit by the USPS. Since it was insured, I will make an insurance claim with the USPS. Thanks.

Messages In This Thread

Never Again
One chip I forgot
Whoever put that chip ...
Re: One chip I forgot
Re: One chip I forgot
Why I will not name names
Charles was handling this on his own...
Terry, thanks.
Good. Bury it. Post's erased
Re: Why I will not name names
A Better Idea
How about SRRR ? vbg Seriously!
SCAN BOTH SIDES to be Safe !!!
Re: Why I will not name names
Rich, I was in and I DO take exception..
Mike, thanks.
I was in and I DO take exception..
Re: Never Again

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