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The Chip Board Archive 08

Terry, thanks.


Thanks for your participation in the Round Robin and for the extra chip you added. You are always invited to pariticipate in any future round robins I may run.

Messages In This Thread

Never Again
One chip I forgot
Whoever put that chip ...
Re: One chip I forgot
Re: One chip I forgot
Why I will not name names
Charles was handling this on his own...
Terry, thanks.
Good. Bury it. Post's erased
Re: Why I will not name names
A Better Idea
How about SRRR ? vbg Seriously!
SCAN BOTH SIDES to be Safe !!!
Re: Why I will not name names
Rich, I was in and I DO take exception..
Mike, thanks.
I was in and I DO take exception..
Re: Never Again

Copyright 2022 David Spragg