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The Chip Board Archive 08

Chip Guide picture tips
In Response To: Re: Chip Guide pictures ()

If a certain area isn't featured, I think it is because no one has been able to commit to maintaining that area. Instead of having "another or better ChipGuide", if people could just "take a chunk" and do it... the ChipGuide WOULD get better and better.

Paul Hegge does Nevada, Archie does AC, etc...
but just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a club to build a resource. grin

I can't speak for all of them, but I suspect that our "hosts" are too polite to admit some things... vbg like "bad scans" mean more work and being "specific" seems ungrateful.
From what I have seen (and had revealed by ASKING) - they are gracious enough to NOT complain, but each prefers submissions to be done at a certain percentage, dpi/ resolution, size. Paul Hegge appreciates a perfectly centered/ even scan vbg - so I find it best to ASK first - if and how they want the scan grin

A few months ago, Archie Black asked to use a scan of something I posted for his website... The chip was in an airtite, so I asked the "what/ hows/ whatevers" so I could send him something usable... which might make his job easier.

Paul Hegge (Nevada) gets involved in "projects" with individual collectors... and although I know he appreciates individual scans, he may need you to wait a few weeks until he completes whatever he is working on. I keep a "Paul folder" now - and he let's me know when he is "ready" for the next batch. Last year, he and Larry basically upgraded scans on 100's of chips - a project that took months to complete.

I just throwing out these comments as a "contributer"... because like I said, our hosts are too polite to be demanding. rofl

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Chip Guide pictures
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Chip Guide picture tips
Re: Chip Guide picture tips
Re: Chip Guide picture tips
You're welcome vbg
Hobout ingins from Fla? err or is that NY rofl

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