I sure wish my youngest daughter had some fiscal responsibility. She is in her last year of college and lives in an apartment which we pay for along with most living expenses. She works part time bartending on weekends and makes $300-500 per weekend. One weekend when we were out of town she decided to buy a new car and did. Now she has a car payment. Her closet is full of new clothes including, at last count, over 25 pairs of blue jeans. Yesterday she tells me that she doesn't have any money to pay her electric bill and that her cars alternator died and she needed to get it replaced. She also got an overdraft notice from the bank this week (automatic loan deal). I have no idea what she spends her money on but earlier in the week she was talking about taking her boyfriend to Las Vegas for his birthday! Can I borrow a 2 X 4 from someone so I can knock some sense into her???