There are many back issues of the CCTN (Casino Chips & Tokens News) that are still available through several resources as follows:
1. Through the Club's Librarian (Robert Pardue, you can request a loaner copy of many back issues just for the cost of postage!
2. CCTN Editor, Allan Anderson ( maintains a few back issues on-line at: .
3. The Club's Promotions Chairperson (Pam Focazio has quite a few back issues available for sale (proceeds go to the Club).
4. You can scour the Swap Meets and Yard Sales of America and stumble across some very old back issues, for which I would be interested in obtaining!
Back issues of the CCTN provide quite a wealth of interesting information about our Club, the things we collect and the industry that created those things we collect!
Jim Follis
On-Line Communications Director