A big thank you to the following:
Jim Episale, Steve Goodrich, Barry Hauptman,
Andy Hughes, Jim Molloy, The Palms, Bob Touts
(With apologies to Longfellow)
'Twas one day after the great northeast storm,
I'd come home from work feeling tired and forlorn,
The mail was all sorted on our kitchen table,
A large stack it was, for this is no fable,
Now few things can bring a smile to my lips,
Like opening the mail to a pile of chips,
Hauptman and Touts sent theirs combined mail,
Another arrived from Jim Episale,
Also Jim Molloy and Steven Goodrich,
Their chips arrived without any hitch,
Last but not least, since I'm spreading good news,
One each from the Palms and Andrew J. Hughes,
This poem, I'm aware will never win an award,
So please do not bar me from this Chipboard.
[I promise not to write any more...]