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The Chip Board Archive 08

I can't seem to break that 60 second mark NCR

Now, to most people this is not a very important event in one's life achievements, but as a retiree in good standing, it sure is better than working. What am I talking about? Why playing computer solitiare of course. My best for total completion has been 60 seconds and Im still trying everyday to break the bearier.

True confessions, however, are in order. I cheat slightly by using both the left and right button on the mouse. But then again, maybe that's a senior's privilege or handicap as we are not excepted to keep up with some of you youngsters. grin

Messages In This Thread

I can't seem to break that 60 second mark NCR
My wife tells me the same thing sad
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg