Sale of slabbed chips by dealers"
We have no problem with allowing dealers to sell slabs. But like Archie said many of us will boycott those dealers that would sell slabbed chips. BTW Archie its well over 400.
I only know of one dealer that has sold them in the past. Henry Garrett.
The board elected in the last election voted 3 to 2 allow any and all slabbing practices in the convention includding the exhibts and club auction. After a BIG uproar they recinded that vote on all but 1 point.
They still allow Slabbing companies to buy tables at our convention.
These 5 nominees have all stated they would end the practice of allowing Slabbing companies to buy tables.
They have also said they would NOT reverse the vote allowing dealers to sell slabbed chips.
President: Mike Skelton
Vice-President: Wayne Thompson
Treasurer: Mike Quinlivan
Secretary: Belinda Hixon
Membership: Sunday Silverman
All but Wayne and Sunday are running unopposed.
The slabfree chapter is backing all 5 listed above.