I have my chips in 3 ring binders and now just carry one or two of each chip. Along with my price guides/collection lists they all fit into a roll around carry-on bag. Two years ago I overdid it and the carryon weighed about 125 pounds. I had to have help to get it into and out of the luggage rack. Also burned out a set of wheel bearings. Darn bearings actually ran hot. Last year I got smart and only brought the chips I knew others would be interested in (that is a task unto itself).
The trade sessions themselves can be a little intimidating. It helps if you know some of the people you are trading with. The intimidating part comes when you give a guy your book of current $1 LV chips and his book has chips that START at $250 each. OOOPS. The good news is that there are lots of people there who collect what you do and will be happy to trade.
I would never check my chips since if they lose your bag they pay you buy the pound and even common poker chips are worth more than $12 a pound. So bring what you can handle and get ready to have some fun.