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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: rofl rofl rofl (but a nice try!) rofl

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Club Magazine..
Re: Club Magazine..
Re: Got mine yesterday, thanks...
Gloria, I see that you are listed....
Great answer. Now, who's Gloria?
Re: Great answer. Now, who's Gloria?
George, I stand corrected! I also apologize....
Re: Great answer. Now, who's Gloria?
Re: Great answer. Now, who's Gloria?
Re: And who's Trible? vbg
The li'l pink furry things in a Star Trek episode!
The li'l pink furry things...cute & cuddly! vbg
OK, here's the deal......
Re: Hope you're feeling better! grin
The only way I can feel better is to sucessfully..
Re: I sent you stuff!! O.K. it was awhile...
Oh-oh. I didn't neglect to say thank you, did I?
Pam... you are such a considerate person!
Re: rofl rofl rofl (but a nice try!) rofl
Trible = Grumble
Has anyone east of the Rockies...
Re: Michigan...yesterday

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