OK, so my little brother Chase asks me to go see The Two Towers (Lord "f The Rings) today. i haven't seen the first, but I go. BIG MISTAKE!!! So having been bored to death, Sue (my wife) and I go out for sushi and decide to rent some movies. Now I figure Lord O' Rings might be good if i see the first, so I rent that -- planning to watch it tomorrow or maybe Sunday. I also rent "SIgns" to watch with Sue. Then I rent Vin Diesel in "XXX" as a guilty pleasure. OK, the night plays out, Sue is asleep so I can't watch "Signs" without her, and I'm looking for the guilty pleasure "guy movie." But LO & BEHOLD (I've always wanted to write that) some idiot behind the counter gave me "Hey Arnold" instead!!!! Now I have to commit myself to 3 more hours of middle earth. This had better make some damn sense this time